This blog post will guide you through the process of setting up native Ruby on M1 Macs. Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure You’re Running a ‘Clean’ macOS Monterey: The newer versions of macOS have updated C compilers that can’t compile older Ruby runtimes. For this reason, it’s necessary to ensure your operating system is a ‘clean’ macOS Monterey.

  2. Install Rosetta 2: Rosetta 2 is a translation process that enables M1 Mac applications to run software coded for Intel processors. Install it using the following command:
     softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  3. Install Xcode Command Line Tools: These are a set of utilities that software developers use to build software. You can install it with this command:
     xcode-select --install
  4. Configure Terminal App to Run in Rosetta: If you’re using iTerm, you’ll need to set it up similarly to the Terminal app.
  5. Install Homebrew in Rosetta Terminal: Homebrew is a package manager that simplifies the installation of software on Apple’s macOS operating system. Use the following command for installation:
     /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  6. Add Export Statements to Your .bash_profile: The following lines need to be added to your .bash_profile:
     export RUBY_CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"
  7. Install rbenv with ruby-build Using Basic Git Checkout: rbenv provides support for specifying application-specific versions of Ruby. The ruby-build plugin adds rbenv install command for compiling and installing different versions of Ruby on UNIX-like systems. You can check the process here and for installing ruby-build, click here.

  8. Install Relevant Ruby Versions in Rosetta Terminal: Use the following commands to install all necessary Ruby versions:
     rbenv install 2.3.8
     rbenv global 2.3.8
     gem install bundler
  9. Install pg Gem: The pg gem provides an interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. To install it, execute these commands:
     brew install libpq
     gem install pg -v '0.18.4'

Follow this guide carefully to successfully set up native Ruby on your M1 Macs.

That's it for this post, thanks for reading!