I recently bought an EV, which was a pretty brave decision. For EVs main problem is infrastructure, it’s a paradox because without cars there is no incentive to build chargers, and without chargers there is no incentive to buy EVs.

But still, every day there are EV drivers that make short and long distance trips around Poland and probably more countries. I was curious how much harder for EV drivers it is to find a charger compared to gas station in Poland.

According to https://inwestycje.pl/biznes/liczba-stacji-paliw-wzrosla-do-7-772-na-koniec-i-pol-2021/ there are about 7,772 gas stations in Poland. For comparision there are about 1,016 chargers in Poland and 392 of them have at least power of 40 kW (fast charger).

It basically means that fast charger is about 20 times harder than gas station.

Imagine today that You drive a gas car and suddenly 19 out of 20 gas stations are unavailable.

Post Scriptum: Often chargers are broken or cannot be started.

That's it for this post, thanks for reading!