• Install rbenv (https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv#basic-github-checkout)
    • If You don’t have git on Your Mac, You need to run: xcode-select --install
    • git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
    • cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src
      • this is optional, it compiles bash exstension
    • mkdir -p ~/.rbenv/plugins
    • git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
    • Add to ~/.bash_profile
      • export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
      • eval "$(rbenv init -)"
    • reload terminal window
    • rbenv install 2.3.1
    • rbenv global 2.3.1
  • Install nodenv (https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv#basic-github-checkout)
    • git clone https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv.git ~/.nodenv
    • cd ~/.nodenv && src/configure && make -C src
      • this is optional, it compiles bash exstension
    • mkdir -p ~/.nodenv/plugins
    • git clone https://github.com/nodenv/node-build.git ~/.nodenv/plugins/node-build
    • Add to ~/.bash_profile
      • export PATH="$HOME/.nodenv/bin:$HOME/.nodenv/shims:$PATH"
      • eval "$(nodenv init -)"
    • reload terminal window
    • nodenv install 8.11.3
    • nodenv global 8.11.3
  • Install Postgres desktop App for Mac
    • https://postgresapp.com/
    • Add to ~/.bash_profile
      • export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin
    • Run SQL queries:
      • In Postgres app double click on “postgres databas”
      • OR run in terminal: /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/13/bin/psql -p5432 "postgres"
      • CREATE USER webapp WITH PASSWORD 'webapp';
  • brew install imagemagick
  • install Docker desktop for Mac
    • https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop
    • docker run -p 6379:6379 --restart=unless-stopped -d --name redis redis:alpine
  • In project repository
    • gem install bundler:1.17.1
      • optionally
    • rbenv rehash
    • bundle install
    • rbenv rehash
    • rails db:create
    • rails db:migrate
    • rails db:seed
    • rails server
    • rails console

That's it for this post, thanks for reading!