Sometimes You might need to compress something but You are not sure how to do it. Well, there are few tricks that bzip2 has up it’s sleave.


  • Saving compressed docker image for local transfer to other server
    • docker build -t imgname . && docker save imgname | bzip2 > imgname.bz2
  • Dumping Postgres database to raw sql but compressing it at same time
    • pg_dump -Unrcrm database_name | bzip2 > dump.sql.bz2
    • pg_dumpall | bzip2 > db-backup-20110701.sql.bz2
  • Dumping huge database and splitting files into 700mb chunks:
    • pg_dumpall | bzip2 | split -b 690m -d - split-bz2-db-backup-20110701
  • Dumping MySQL database
    • mysqldump -u userName -p myDataBase | bzip2 -c > dump.sql.bz2


  • Loading/restoring compressed Postgres database dump
    • bzcat dump.sql.bz2 | sudo -u postgres psql database_name
    • bzip2 -d dump.sql.bz2 | sudo -u postgres psql database_name
  • Loading/restoring compressed MySQL databse dump
    • bzcat dump.sql.bz2 | mysql -u name -p db
  • Loading compressed docker image into local images
    • bzcat image.bz2 | docker load
  • Browsing huge compressed wordlist
    • bzcat wordlist.txt.bz2 | less
    • bzless wordlist.txt.bz2


That's it for this post, thanks for reading!