Compressing STDIN and STDOUT with BZIP2
Sometimes You might need to compress something but You are not sure how to do it. Well, there are few tricks that bzip2 has up it’s sleave.
- Saving compressed docker image for local transfer to other server
docker build -t imgname . && docker save imgname | bzip2 > imgname.bz2
- Dumping Postgres database to raw sql but compressing it at same time
pg_dump -Unrcrm database_name | bzip2 > dump.sql.bz2
pg_dumpall | bzip2 > db-backup-20110701.sql.bz2
- Dumping huge database and splitting files into 700mb chunks:
pg_dumpall | bzip2 | split -b 690m -d - split-bz2-db-backup-20110701
- Dumping MySQL database
mysqldump -u userName -p myDataBase | bzip2 -c > dump.sql.bz2
- Loading/restoring compressed Postgres database dump
bzcat dump.sql.bz2 | sudo -u postgres psql database_name
bzip2 -d dump.sql.bz2 | sudo -u postgres psql database_name
- Loading/restoring compressed MySQL databse dump
bzcat dump.sql.bz2 | mysql -u name -p db
- Loading compressed docker image into local images
bzcat image.bz2 | docker load
- Browsing huge compressed wordlist
bzcat wordlist.txt.bz2 | less
bzless wordlist.txt.bz2
That's it for this post, thanks for reading!